Instructions: Here are some things parents might say about their children. Please tell us about your child and what he/she has been like in the past month. Read each item carefully, then mark how well it describes your child or how frequently it has happened in the past month.
- 0 = In the past month, this was not true at all about my child. It never (or seldom) happened
- 1 = In the past month, this was just a little true about my child. It happened occasionally
- 2 = In the past month, this was pretty much true about my child. It happened often (or quite a bit).
- 3 = In the past month, this was very much true about my child. it happened very often (very frequently}.
It is important to respond to every item. For items that you find difficult to answer, please give your best guess.
- 0 = Not true at all (Never, Séldom)
- 1 = Just a little true (Occasionally)
- 2 = Pretty much frue (Often, Quite a bit)
- 3 = Very much true (Very often, Very frequently)