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Adult ADHD-RS-IV* with Adult Promptst

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The ADHD-RS-IV with Adult Prompts is an |8-item scale based on the DSM-IV-TR® criteria for ADHD that provides a rating of the severity of symptoms. The adult prompts

serve as a guide to explore more fully the extent and severity of ADHD symptoms and create a framework to ascertain impairment. The first 9 items assess inattentive symptoms

and the last 9 items assess hyperactive-impulsive symptoms. Scoring is based on a 4-point Likert-type severity scale: 0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe. Clinicians

should score the highest score that is generated for the prompts for each item.

Example: If one prompt generates a “2” and all others are a “1,” by convention, the rating for that item is stifl a "2"

Significant symptoms in clinical trials are generally considered at least a “2” — moderate.

1 - Carelessness

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2 - Difficulty sustaining attention in activities

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3 - Doesn't listen

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4 - No follow through

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5 - Can't organize

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6. Avoids/dislikes tasks requiring sustained mental effort

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7. Loses important items

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8. Easily distractible

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9. Forgetful in daily activities

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Please select an option.

10. Squirms and fidgets

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11. Can't stay seated

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12. Runs/climbs excessively

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Can't play/work quietly

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Please select an option.

14. On the go, “driven by a motor”

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14. Talks Excessively

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16. Blurts out answers

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17. Can't wait for turn

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Please select an option.

18. Intrudes/ Interrupts Others

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Please select an option.

“From ADHD Rating Scale-IV: Checklists, Norms and Clinical Interpretation. Reprinted with permission of The Guilford Press: New York, © 1998 George |. DuPaul, Thomas |. Power. Arthur A. Amastopoules and Robert Reid. This scale may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of The Guilford Press. ‘Prompts developed by Lenard Adler, MD, Thomas Spencer, MD, and Joseph Biederman, MD.


THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES REGARDING THIS ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER RATING SCALE IV AND ADULT PROMPTS (“SCALE™), EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. New York University and the Massachusetts General Hospital shall neither exercise control over nor interfere with the physician-patient relationship of users of this Scale and shall not be responsible for any use made of this Scale, including any medical decisions regarding the care and treatment of patients using the Scale.